Saturday, September 3, 2011

Israeli MIlitary Front-Line IWB Inside the Waistband Concealment Leather Holster SUPER FAST DRAW - fits Glock 26, 27, 28

Israeli MIlitary Front-Line IWB Inside the Waistband Concealment Leather Holster SUPER FAST DRAW - fits Glock 26, 27, 28 Reviews

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Israeli MIlitary Front-Line IWB Inside the Waistband Concealment Leather Holster SUPER FAST DRAW - fits Glock 26, 27, 28 Feature

  • Fits GLOCK 26,27,28 IWB concealment; Right Handed & fits up to 1.75" (45 mm) belts
  • Super Fast Draw - Inner teflon turns the drawing of the gun into a SUPER FAST DRAW. an Exacto Requirment of the Israeli Army
  • Made of the best Materials - full grain leather, Brass Clip & inner teflon
  • The Official Service of the Israeli MIlitary (IDF) - made under contact by FRONT-LINE holsters (
  • attaches to the user's belt with a spring brass clip. Is ultra light weight or a leather holster = 0.22 lbs (100 gr')
The official Israeli Military IWB inside the waistband SUPER FAST DRAW Glock 26,27,28 gun leather Holster which attaches to users belt with a spring Brass clip. No Doubt(!) , the best holster you can ask for in an emergency situation (with a high probability of drawing - explanations beneath). This is the official service model for the ISRAELI MILITARY and is made under contract by Front-Line Holsters (, Israel's leading Holster Brand (please see the 5th holster from the top, for reference regarding it being the official Israeli army Holster Holster is a SUPER FAST DRAW, which capabilities are made possible by the Inner part which is Teflon - a substance reducing the friction to the lowest possible when drawing. This is an exacto custom requirement by the Israeli military which needed a holster they can draw as fast as possible in emergency situations, because in these situations, even a SPLIT SECOND can mean the difference between life & death. Holster is HAND MADE and its materials are truly the best - leather is FULL GRAIN LEATHER - the toughest and most durable leather there is - it is the "mother" leather before the leather is processed into cheaper & lower quality sub leathers (such as suede and etc.) and because of that it retains a lot of the qualities which get lost in the processing (yes, just like food that loses its value when processed...:-). The spring clip is made of the BEST and highest quality brass there is in the world today - PRYM brass ( - a German company manufacturing brass for almost 300 years (12 generations according to wikipedia - Another very unique specialized advantage, and also a custom requirement by the Israeli Army is its lightness, only .22 lbs (100 gr'). The lightness is possible due to the cut, design & hand crafted finish which are the result of years of experience by Front-Line Holsters.

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1 comment:

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